While fleeing from the vicious hyenas that threaten his peaceful village, a young boy named Savva suddenly finds himself in a magical land. There, he makes friends with Angee the white wolf, a small pink creature named Puffy, Fafl the half-baron, and Nanty, the daughter of the local shaman. They accompany Savva in his quest to find the Magician, the only person who can help him free his village from the hyenas. On their way, Savva and his friends will have to brave countless obstacles – and fend off an army of malicious monkeys, led by the three-headed queen, Mom JoZee. This is a story about friendship, growing up, and rising above and facing the challenges of life, all told through a colorful and exciting fairy-tale.
Maxim Fadeev
Maxim Fadeev, Gregory Puari, Alexander Chistyakov
Alexander Chistyakov, Dmitriy Rudovskiy, Fedor Bondarchuk